Communications Manager – Cambridge Redevelopment Authority


Positional Overview And Responsibilities – The Communications Manager is a dynamic member of our small team who will lead the organization’s communication outreach efforts, logistics, and standardized practices. Reinforcing the CRA’s principles regarding transparency and community engagement, this position will curate external messaging and media placement to ensure the public is aware of the CRA’s activities and initiatives. The Communications Manager works collaboratively with staff and partners to produce content for digital media including websites; create and coordinate content for CRA publications; and coordinate communication with external parties as needed. This position reports to the Director of Finance and Operations.

For a full description of the responsibilities, qualifications, work hours, compensation, benefits, and application process, see Application deadline is Tuesday, May 28at 5:00 p.m.

The CRA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and values diversity of experience, opinion, and approach.